What hairstyle should I have for a small face?

What hairstyle should I have for a small face

Surely having a small face is the dream of many people because it looks very pretty, adorable and innocent, especially when it comes to many new hairstyles. But please note that there are many different styles for small faces. Choosing the right hairstyle will help you highlight your beauty. So what hair should you wear for a small face? Let’s find out with Roostershirt through the article below.

What is a small face?

You are wondering whether you are the type of person who wears small or not. Try observing the following characteristics:

  • Your chin is small and slightly round.
  • Small, thin faces often have high bangs and sharp jaws.
  • Small round faces often have a very short face width, some are shorter than the cheekbones.
  • Small faces often have fairly balanced facial proportions, the back of the nose may be low and the nose is often not the most prominent feature of the face.
  • If you notice, the distance between the eyes and mouth is not too far, then these people have small faces.

To say whether a small face is a big advantage or not actually depends on your face shape. Is the face small round, small long or small square, small Vline. Every face type will have a suitable hairstyle. So, please determine in advance which face type you have and refer to the suitable hairstyles below!

Things to note when choosing hairstyles for people with small faces

What hairstyle should I have for a small face? The notes below will help you find the most suitable hairstyle!

Hairstyle suitable for small faces

  • Prioritize curly hairstyles with high volume to make your face look bigger and make your body look more balanced and attractive.
  • Choose long and thick hairstyles, or cut layers to create a multi-dimensional effect, adding depth to the face.
  • With short hair, you should create a certain amount of volume for your hair to bring youthfulness and energy.
  • You can combine other accessories and style your hair to reduce other people’s attention on your face, making people pay more attention to your hairstyle.
  • Do not leave your hair too close to the scalp, it will make your face look even smaller and even reveal more flaws.

Hairstyles are not suitable for small faces

  • Don’t make your hair too curly, especially curly hair because it will “swallow” your face, you won’t be able to see your face anywhere, and your head will only be hair.
  • If your hair is too short, don’t cut your hair short to your ears, it will make you look funnier.

What hairstyle should I have for a small face? Long hair for small faces

With small and long faces, they often look very V-line, but some girls are a bit skinny. So please prioritize the hairstyles below.

Natural short hair

Short hairstyles seem to be made for people with small faces. But it will be more suitable for those with thick hair, who can now straighten it to create a shiny, trendy look. Hair cut flat, can add bright colors to help you have more temperament.

Natural short hair
Natural short hair

Mullet hair

The hair is bulging at the head and gradually bunched up at the neck, making your face look bigger, and the upper half of your body is also bigger, making the body more balanced. Can be combined with bangs or bangs to look more attractive.

Mullet hair
Mullet hair

Long layered hair

This list cannot lack trendy layered hair, right? The hair is trimmed into layers, creating a ruffled visual effect, and the face becomes fuller and more balanced. With this layered hair, you can leave your hair shoulder-length or a little shorter to look better.

Long layered hair
Long layered hair

Long, naturally straight hair

Simple but beautiful and attractive, you should not ignore the long straight hairstyle, ladies. You can add volume to your hair by ruffling the roots or parting it 7/3 or 6/4. But if you have thick hair, just leaving it natural like that will be beautiful enough. If you like to stand out, you can dye your hair super pretty bright colors.

Long, naturally straight hair
Long, naturally straight hair

Long straight hair combined with thin bangs

Here’s a way to save any girl with long, straight but thin hair. Cleverly cut your bangs so that your hair doesn’t fall too flat on your head, making your face look smaller. This bang will have a bit of volume, while making your long, thin face fuller and more balanced. Trendy girls should not miss this hairstyle.

Long straight hair combined with thin bangs
Long straight hair combined with thin bangs

Short hair with thin bangs

This is the perfect pretty-lovely combo for girls. It both shortens the upper face and makes the lower face fuller. The gentle top bangs also make the face more elegant. You can curl or ruffle your hair to add a touch of love, just like the muses in the paintings.

Short hair with thin bangs
Short hair with thin bangs

Short bob hairstyle for small faces

This hairstyle is suitable for people with small, long faces but with a thin look. Hair shows fashion and helps fill out the face in a subtle way. This style is not picky about style, you can wear it as your usual hairstyle to easily coordinate clothes and makeup to look like a classy lady.

Short bob hairstyle for small faces
Short bob hairstyle for small faces

Short hair cut with bangs

If you ask what hairstyle you should have for a small face that is both beautiful and stylish, the answer is definitely short hair with bangs. Not only will your face look more attractive, but it will also show a unique personality, your recognition in the eyes of people will increase. If you want to express yourself and become more special, you must try this hairstyle.

Short hair cut with bangs
Short hair cut with bangs

Shoulder-length hair

If you pursue a simple style and like the most natural things, choose a shoulder-length hairstyle. Highlights can be created by skillfully parting to create natural volume for the hair. When applying makeup, emphasize the lips to make the lower part of the face not look too long. This is also an everyday hairstyle that girls can choose.

Shoulder length hair
Shoulder length hair

Shoulder-length wavy hair

If you don’t like nature and monotony, try curling and cutting bangs with your shoulder-length hair. It creates natural volume while helping the face become fuller. This is the savior for girls with small, long and thin faces.

Shoulder length wavy hair
Shoulder length wavy hair

Hairstyles for small round faces – round and square

This is probably the face type that many girls love the most because it looks so lovely, pure and trendy. Let’s see which hairstyle suits you best!

Short naturally wavy hair

You are like a muse, a beautiful librarian when you wear this hair. Not only does it make the face look bigger, but it also highlights the attractive lines on the face. It also creates an extremely trendy and attractive cloud-like hair effect.

Short naturally wavy hair
Short naturally wavy hair

Short hair full of personality

People with small, round or square faces always have very beautiful, elegant and lovely features. So the tomboy hairstyle will help her thoroughly show off these beauties. At the same time, it will give her a more personal, modern and stylish image, not being confused with anyone else.

Short hair full of personality
Short hair full of personality


Already cute, now even cuter with her bangs. Not everyone who gets this hairstyle will have that quality, only those with small round faces. This bang should be cut a little above the eyebrows, not so short that it becomes outdated. Can be combined with curls to increase attraction.


Japanese Hime Hair

If you want to be unique and cute and attractive, what hairstyle should people with small round faces have? The answer is Hime hair, a hairstyle that is making waves today. The hair will have bangs on both sides cut flat, the rest will be long or short as desired. This bang creates natural volume and volume in front of the face, creating the effect of a larger and fuller face.

Japanese Hime Hair
Japanese Hime Hair

Korean short hair with bangs

If you pay attention, Korean girls often have very small and pretty faces. Short hairstyles with bangs are extremely popular, especially among female students. It not only makes you younger but also shows modernity, elegance and gentleness. If you love Korean style, don’t miss this hairstyle!

Korean short hair with bangs
Korean short hair with bangs

Shoulder-length hair combined with Korean bangs

In addition to short Korean bangs, shoulder-length Korean bangs are also an interesting choice. You can combine curling to bring out the delicate and gentle beauty like kimchi girls. You can dye your hair a light brown color to make your skin even brighter.

Shoulder length hair combined with Korean bangs
Shoulder length hair combined with Korean bangs

Long curly hair with bangs

This is a hairstyle that shows your personality and helps you become more stylish. It will become more attractive if it has thick, black hair and flat bangs with a certain volume. This style, when combined with stylish outfits, is sure to make everyone look up to you when you go out.

Long curly hair with bangs
Long curly hair with bangs

Bob hair combined with thinning

This is also a way for you to show off the most beautiful lines on your body. Bob hair is quite difficult to cut, so you have to look for experienced hairdressers. The curly part at the bottom should be heated with more heat to make it more curled. If you have thin bangs, you should cut them small so they don’t cover your forehead.

Bob hair combined with thinning
Bob hair combined with thinning

See more:

What kind of hair should one have for a small face is no longer a question for many people. Choose the most suitable hairstyle for yourself to always stand out and be confident. And don’t forget to follow Roostershirt to enjoy shopping and learn more beautiful hairstyles.

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